Surface conditioning washer 3M PN-DH Precision
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Surface conditioning washer 3M PN-DH Precision

Surface conditioning disc with precision-shaped abrasive mineral technology built into non-woven fabric, for fast removal and long service life. Formable washer that processes the surface without undermining the piece or damaging the base material. Non-woven abrasive material that gives every surface a high-quality and uniform finish. Improve surfaces and achieve the desired finish in less time with less rework and without abrasion, undermining or damage to the workpiece. Suitable for low pressure use on stainless steel, aluminium, mild steel, carbon steel, titanium, nickel alloys etc. Used in conjunction with support plate with centering pin.

Laitis art.no. / BIG-art.no.
7100274225 / 38795928
PN-DH Precision

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15 articles


7100274225 / 38795928 PN-DH Precision 115 22,23 Extra grov 13300
Non-stock item Non stock item
7100274279 / 38796041 PN-DH Precision 115 22,23 Grov 13300
Non-stock item Non stock item
7100275844 / 38796322 PN-DH Precision 115 22,23 Medium 13300
Non-stock item Non stock item
7100275836 / 38796298 PN-DH Precision 115 22,23 Fin 13300
Non-stock item Non stock item
7100275845 / 38796330 PN-DH Precision 115 22,23 Mycket fin 13300
Non-stock item Non stock item
7100274226 / 38795936 PN-DH Precision 125 22,23 Extra grov 12000
Non-stock item Campaign Non stock item
7100274227 / 38795944 PN-DH Precision 125 22,23 Grov 12000
Non-stock item Campaign Non stock item
7100274229 / 38795969 PN-DH Precision 125 22,23 Medium 12000
Non-stock item Campaign Non stock item
7100276268 / 38796355 PN-DH Precision 125 22,23 Fin 12000
Non-stock item Non stock item
7100274228 / 38795951 PN-DH Precision 125 22,23 Mycket fin 12000
Non-stock item Non stock item
7100274664 / 38796090 PN-DH Precision 178 22,23 Extra grov 8600
Non-stock item Non stock item
7100274665 / 38796108 PN-DH Precision 178 22,23 Grov 8600
Non-stock item Non stock item
7100274666 / 38796116 PN-DH Precision 178 22,23 Medium 8600
Non-stock item Non stock item
7100274667 / 38796124 PN-DH Precision 178 22,23 Fin 8600
Non-stock item Non stock item
7100274668 / 38796132 PN-DH Precision 178 22,23 Mycket fin 8600
Non-stock item Non stock item
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